Monday, May 4, 2009

From There to Here

Most people getting married have not done so before. As first-timers, they look for help to websites, magazines, wedding planners, and other sources of expertise such as friends who have gotten married already. It definitely takes a lot of help to put together a wedding.

So, too, for me in starting my first website, . I have had lots and lots of assistance and coaching from some truly fantastic people. They have gotten me to this point and without them, well, I guess I’d be somewhere else!

At the risk of missing someone important, I would like to thank Paul, Jennifer, Annemarie, Kathleen, Zoe, Hannah, Erin, Anna, Julia, Andrew, and all of the couples who offered testimonials and photos. Most especially, I am grateful to my husband Rocky, who has been my most ardent cheerleader from day one. From the bottom of my heart, thanks to you all!



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